Instructions Poster presentations

evt manual toevoegen


All poster presenters will receive a message two weeks before the EBA congress with instructions on how to upload their poster as a PDF file for the mobile EBA2023 app. Please upload your poster PDF by Monday, September 4th, at the latest.

Poster presentations

Here you find the time schedule for your poster sessions.

1. Basic research
2. Critical Care and Anaesthesia
3. Geriatrics
5. Organization and Mass Casualties
6. Pain
7. Pediatrics
8. Prevention
9. Psychosocial and Psychiatry
10. Rehabilitation
11. Scars
12. Wounds

Poster mounting/removal

A poster board has been reserved for you on the exhibition floor on which the abstract no. (see the document of the poster presentation of our emails) is marked.
Fixing material is available on site.

Please, attach your poster by 9.45am on Wednesday, September 6th and remove it on Saturday, September 9th,  after noon.
Posters still hanging after 3pm will be discarded.

Publication of posters in the mobile EBA2023 app

Poster presenters are requested to upload their poster as a PDF file for the mobile EBA2023 app.

Guidelines for uploading poster PDF

  • Please use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Browser;
  • Only 1 page PDF file is allowed (no multiple pages);
  • Prepare your poster in Portrait style;
  • Use as filename for your poster PDF: poster number followed by poster title. For example: P001 Title poster EBA2023.

Please view the detailed manual including images, before starting your PDF submission.

  1. Go to:
  2. Create an account and log in with the email address where you have received the instruction
  3. Fill out a password of your own choice
  4. Click on the EBA2023 event
  5. Your poster(s) are displayed under sessions
  6. Click on the poster you want to upload
  7. Your dashboard is displayed
  8. Upload your poster on the right side
    Please use only the poster upload button on the dashboard. All other options do not apply to you!
  9. You are finished!

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the secretariat by email via