Poster presenters are requested to upload their poster as a PDF file for the mobile EBA2023 app.
Guidelines for uploading poster PDF
- Please use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Browser;
- Only 1 page PDF file is allowed (no multiple pages);
- Prepare your poster in Portrait style;
- Use as filename for your poster PDF: poster number followed by poster title. For example: P001 Title poster EBA2023.
Please view the detailed manual including images, before starting your PDF submission.
- Go to:
- Create an account and log in with the email address where you have received the instruction
- Fill out a password of your own choice
- Click on the EBA2023 event
- Your poster(s) are displayed under sessions
- Click on the poster you want to upload
- Your dashboard is displayed
- Upload your poster on the right side
Please use only the poster upload button on the dashboard. All other options do not apply to you!
- You are finished!
In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the secretariat by email via